We are an online auction near Brantford, Ontario! We offer a diverse selection of returned retail products in good or new condition! All bids start at only $1.00! This could reflect a 50-90% savings! Browse our auctions and register to bid today to start your journey with us!
Lot# Product
5 XBOX Glow in the Dark Controller
6 *SEALED* DESITIN Diaper Rash Paste 4.8 Oz
7 Pink Bento Box - 4 Compartments
8 *SEALED* American MuscleCar Season 1 - DVD
9 Silver Angel Wing Dangling Rhinestone Stud Cuff
10 *SEALED* Sodium Hydroxide - Food G
Zoka Online Auction pledges to donate 8% of all proceeds to Kane's Homefull Society to help combat homelessness.
Kane's Homefull Society was founded in 2016 by Kane Roadhouse, a local teenager determined to ensure that no one is homeless.
Kane's Story
"Kane was 8 years old. He came to me one day and asked, "Mama, what would you do if you had a million dollars?" I thought for a moment and answered what I think most adults would, "I would pay off the house, pay off my bills, and take the family on vacation." Kane contemplated the answer for a moment, so I asked him the question back, what would YOU do if you had a million dollars?
"I would buy 100 shirts, 100 pants, and 100 socks and I would give them to all the homeless. Then I would build 100 houses and then no one would be homeless, because no one should be homeless, Mama."
I was so touched and proud that my 8-year-old had such a capacity to be so empathic and understand how so many go without. I told him that was an amazing idea, and that if he wanted to, he could do exactly that. That day, Kane's Homefull Society was born." ~Kane's Mom
Every monetary donation made to Kane's Homefull Society is used to purchase basic supplies such as hats, gloves, socks, hygiene products, nutritious snacks such as granola bars, and bottles of water. Small care packages are made and given out whenever he sees a person on the street in need of such items.
How much has Zoka Onine Auction donated to to Kane's Homefull Society to date?
Running Total: $295.58
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